“Once Upon a Christmas” is a collection of five novellas by Toni Shiloh, Andrea Boyd, Mikal Dawn, Angela Ruth Strong, and Jaycee Weaver. Each novella is a modern twist on a fairy tale: Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mulan, Cinderella, and the Little Mermaid. I found each story in this book really entertaining. All of these authors did an amazing job of making it easy to tell which fairy tale they were retelling. I thought they all were very creative. I have to say I especially liked that they all took place during Christmas time. I am a big fan of Christmas and I loved the cover which is why I wanted to read this book. I have not read any novellas or novels by these authors before so I was also excited to find new authors that I would want to read more books by. Even if you are not a fan of fairy tales I still think you would love these stories.