“The Paris Betrayal” appears to be a standalone novel that revolves around the main character, Ben Calix. This novel is a spy thriller based off of the book of Job. The four contacts that Ben needs to locate are supposed to represent the four friends of Job; however, only three friends of Job are mentioned in the Bible: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. So I am wondering if the fourth person is based off of Elihu that was listening to Job and his friends. This book takes place in a couple of different locations and a lot of the characters not only have their real name but also spy names. There is definitely a lot of suspense in this novel but there is also a lot of events occurring that makes it harder to follow than say an easy beach read. Another thing that made this a slower read for me was the foreign languages that were intermingled throughout the book. Overall, I would say that in spite of the difference in the number of friends and the slower pace of the book, it was still very interesting. It would not be my go-to leisure read since it has so much going on but it was still good.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.