Review of “Confident Moms, Confident Daughters” by Maria Furlough

When I saw “Confident Moms, Confident Daughters” by Maria Furlough advertised on Facebook and in my email from Revell about books coming out soon that I had the option to review, I was extremely excited. It didn’t take me a long once I started reading to find something that I can really relate to. I have always struggled with confidence in myself. The author mentions in the first chapter how insecure she was growing up and I have to say it was refreshing to read because I totally related to what she said. I also never gave it much thought during certain times but looking back can totally agree when she says that in order to try to help out confidence we will do things that aren’t always good for us. These are two of the reasons I really wanted to read this book. The other is because I have an infant daughter who I would like to help be confident in herself when she gets older but before I can help her to become confident in who God made her to be I need to do so myself. I am so glad Maria wrote this book.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “Finding Lady Enderly” by Joanna Davidson Politano

If you like suspenseful romance novels without all the explicit sex and bad language then Joanna Davidson Politano’s “Finding Lady Enderly” is just the book you’re looking to read. This books was hard to put down with the edge of your seat situations that occur throughout the book. My favorite thing in this book are the notes that the main character and her love interest exchange using books. They using the initials of the author, a colon, the initials of the book, and then the page number to tell the other where to look for an underlined passage. The underlined passage is the message for the other person. I really like on page 92 where the author says “My dear lady, carrying yourself with poise doesn’t mean you believe yourself to be perfect. It simply means you aren’t bothered by the parts that aren’t.” I also really like on page 163 where the main character’s love interest tells her “The weakest version of the real you is stronger than the best imitation of someone else.” One thing I think that people will be surprised about in regards to this book are the life lessons that you can take from it. I highly recommend this book and I intend on going back to read other authors other books.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “A Redesigned Life” by Tracy Steel

Have you ever stopped to think what God has “designed” for your life? Do you truly believe God has a “design” for YOUR life? Scripture tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has a plan for our lives. In Tracy Steel’s book “A Redesigned Life,” she uses a unique approach to reassure the reader that God does indeed have a “design” for your life and mine. She provides relevant personal examples, as well as experiences shared with her by others. Most importantly, she references Scripture to make her approach to life’s design more credible. Her book is very thought provoking and reassuring. God does have a “design” for all of us if we will yield to His will. I found Tracy Steel’s book very encouraging and helpful in my Christian walk.

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book in order to provide an honest review.

Review of “Deadly Intentions” by Lisa Harris

Deadly Intentions by Lisa Harris is a must read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery packed full of suspense. Harris does an excellent job in developing a most complex plot designed so as to hold the reader’s attention. From the very beginning, the reader is drawn into the lives of the characters, experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. You find yourself trying to connect the pieces and trying to make sense of what appears to be unconnected events. Just when you think you have things figured out, you are thrown a curve. This is definitely an excellent read!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “Breathe Again” by Niki Hardy

I am always excited to read a book by a North Carolina author.  When I first signed up to receive a free copy of this book in order to review it, I did not know that Niki Hardy was a North Carolina author or that she is a part of a ministry that I really like called Proverbs 31 Ministries.  However, I was excited to read this book because even though I am not currently going through a hard time I know that I am not immune to hard times.  I figured that I could always learn something from this book that would help me when those hard times happen.  One of the things that this book provides that I am excited about is called “The Thriver Manifesto”.  The author starts this at the beginning of the book at the end of the first chapter and then builds on it at the end of the rest of the chapters.  She also nicely makes it available to freely download along with some other resources to help you “breathe again” when you are going through struggles.  Another thing that I love about this book is how honest the author is about her situations in life that were so hard for her.  She does not sugar coat them or downplay them to make it seem like she had it all under control.  Finally, I really like that she writes it like she is writing a letter to a friend instead of some stranger she will probably never meet.  I can honestly say that I would recommend this book to anyone who is going through difficult times and even someone who currently isn’t but that one day will because we all will go through hard times in life.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.