Review of “Courageous Joy: Delight in God through Every Season” by (in)courage

This Bible study is the second of four within incourage’s courageous Bible study series. Like the first study it is also six weeks worth of study with five days of homework within each week. One of the things that makes this study different than other Bible studies out there is that each day starts with a story from a different person within the incourage community authors. Unlike other studies I have done in the past, this one does not have a section for the videos within the book. Also, the videos seem to be available for free through for those to whom would like to lead a small group or those to whom would like to do this own their own but want to be able to watch the videos. Like the first Bible study in this series, Courageous Simplicity, this study asks some very thought provoking application/personal questions as well as the questions about what scripture is saying.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.