Review of “The Words Between Us” by Erin Bartels

I had never heard of Erin Bartels before but I really liked the title, cover and summary of this book, “The Words Between Us”, so I was really looking forward to reading it. I have to say she did not disappoint me. I would definitely read another one by her. In fact, I would love a sequel to this one. In this book, Erin Bartels moves between past and present. I don’t always appreciate the way an author transitions between the past and the present but I think Erin did an excellent job of making it not only flow but it easy to tell which one you were reading about. She labeled the past chapters with the word, “then”, and the present with the word, “now”. Also up until the end of the book, each time was one chapter so it went now and then and now and then and so forth til Chapter 37. Erin also did a great job of keeping you on the edge of your seat wanting to know more about what the main character was going through and how she would handle it all. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes human interest stories.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.