Review of “Christmas Ever After” by Karen Schaler

I have read both of Karen’s other Christmas books and loved them so I was so excited about this one. Before I get into how good the story was, I do have to say that I was amazed at the number of errors in wording and punctuation in this book. I am really glad that this story was beyond good because that was the reason I was able to overlook the errors. It did however slow me down a little when words were accidentally left out or the wrong word was used. Anyway now that we have that little tidbit out of the way, I can tell that if you like Hallmark style movies then this is the book for you. It has all the elements it needs to be turned into a Hallmark Christmas movie. When you first meet Riley who is the main female character, she comes off a little rough around the edges but once you know her back story it makes complete sense why she is a little tough on the outside. Luke, the main male character, on the other hand is all gentleman. He is definitely one of those guys you can see as the hero of a story. Also if you have read Karen’s previous novels then you’ll remember the whole Christmas camp idea. I have to say every time I read about Christmas camp, it makes me want to go to one. With all that being said, I just want to make sure I reiterate that in spite of the errors I would still totally recommend this book to anyone but especially those who love good Christmas books.

Review of “This Secret Thing” by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

I made the mistake of not checking what genre this book fell into because I had read books by this same author before under Marybeth Whalen and loved them. And when I got the book, it had a scripture in the front so I was still not aware of the quality it would end up being. While I finished the book because I really hate to start a book and not finish it, I was very disillusioned by the fact that an author I had read before and loved could write something with the amount of curse words that this book had. While it didn’t have the worst curse word in it, it had enough that I was shocked this was the same author who wrote “The Mailbox”. I personally did not enjoy this book.

Review of “Wrapped Up in Christmas” by Janice Lynn

Because this book was published by Hallmark and the cover did not look bad, I was hoping this book would not have cuss words or graphic physical scenes. I was so glad I was right about that. This book was such a great Christmas book. I will say though that it was a little frustrating to see that the main male character’s name was spelled wrong in more than one place and I remember one other typo that made the sentence read funny though it was easy to figure out what it should have instead. However, all that being said I would still recommend this book. Also, it is such a good story that all the typos aside it is well worth reading especially if you like good Christmas stories.

Review of “The Solace of Water” by Elizabeth Byler Younts

When I first started this book I was afraid that the dialect in some chapters and the Pennsylvania Dutch in others was going to make this one slow read, but I was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t slow me down at all. If you think that you are the only one who has secrets or shows a facade to people while inside you’re dying of guilt, then this books will remind you of just how wrong you are about that. Everyone has something that they don’t want the average person to know about themselves or their situation. I highly recommend this book. It is such a good read. It reinforces the idea of forgiving others but even more the idea of forgiving yourself which is sometimes the hardest person to forgive.