Review of “The Curse of Misty Wayfair” by Jaime Jo Wright

Do you like solving puzzles?  Are you in to “ghost” stories?  Do you like books or movies about hauntings?  If you said yes to any or all of these questions, then I feel good in saying you will like Jaime Jo Wright’s book, The Curse of Misty Wayfair.  This book kept me on the edge of my seat all the way to the end.  Even after I had things figured out for the most part, I still couldn’t get enough of this book.  This novel is a split time book.  I do not always like books like this because some authors have a hard time transitioning between years throughout their books and therefore they are hard to follow.  However, I did not have that problem with this novel.  Jaime Jo Wright does a great job of entwining not only the characters, but also the two different years.  I highly recommend this book and I am looking forward to hopefully being able to read another one of Jaime Jo Wright’s books in the future.

Review of “The Traitor’s Pawn” by Lisa Harris

Do you like reading suspense novels with a little bit of romance included?  Do you like trying to figure out puzzles?  If so, then you will like Lisa Harris’s book “The Traitor’s Pawn”.  This is a standalone novel so you do not have to worry about getting to the end and wishing the next book in the series was already available to read.  Lisa Harris does a great job in this book making her characters well rounded.  You find yourself feeling like they are your friends and/or family that you would want to help with any problems that they are having.  When they get mad or upset about something, then you are also getting mad or upset about it too.  I would definitely recommend this book to suspenseful readers!

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “Silent Shadows” by Natalie Walters

Silent Shadows is the third and final book in the Harbored Secrets series.  After reading the book, I no longer know which of the three is my favorite instead I might have to say that reading them as one continuous story would be my favorite. Though each book can be read and enjoyed separately I would recommend reading them all and in order. I find that each one is good but it is even better if you read them all and in order. So in the final book you have two new main characters. Only one of these main characters has been introduced previously, Pecca. The new main character we are introduced to is Colton. Colton is struggling like a lot of us with what happens when what you planned for is disrupted by something unexpected. He is having trouble remembering and accepting that sometimes our plans aren’t what God has for us and what God has for us is better than anything we could come up with. These struggles are effecting his relationships with the people around him. As for Pecca, she is dealing with something that she thinks has to do with her past. But what she doesn’t know is that it has do with something else completely. If you want to know more, then you’ll have to get the book and read it for yourself. You won’t regret it.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “The Happy Camper” by Melody Carlson

Do you love stories that make you just want to jump into the book for awhile? Or do you love books where you get so into it that you almost feel like you are the main character? Then you’ll absolutely love this book. I am a big fan of Melody Carlson. She has written so many good books over the years and I can’t think of one I haven’t enjoyed. However, I think that this is one of my favorites especially one of my favorite non-Christmas ones. I am finding myself rooting for Dillon and wanting to scream at her mom whenever she’s clearly aggravating her daughter by dumping things on her or implying that her daughter doesn’t know what she wants in life. I love Dillon’s grandpa! And the interactions between Dillion and Jordan are just so funny that I can’t help but almost laugh out loud. If you buy this book, you won’t be disappointed. I fell for it as soon as I saw the cover but I still love it even after reading it. This is definitely a book where the inside matches the outside in terms of appeal.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in order to give an honest review.

Review of “The Solid Grounds Coffee Company” by Carla Laureano

This was my second book by Carla Laureano. My first was “Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe” which is the second on in the Supper Club series. This one is the third. I have not yet read the first one in this series, “The Saturday Night Supper Club.” First of, I must say I never turn down a Christian fiction book that is about coffee. It combines my two favorite things coffee and reading. If you’re looking for a great romance, then this book is so good. I feel like I became friends with these characters and I feel like I would get along with them so well. At one point in the book, Bryan is dealt a hand that he tries to handle the right way but luckily gets some good advice from his dad about how he should really handle the situation. Also, Ana has to come to terms with some of her past before she can decide her future. If you want know more, then you’ll have to read the book for yourself. I have to say I do hope the author will put out a fourth book.